
Cybercrime: A Contemporary Challenge the Modern Society is Facing

⇒  What is Cybercrime?  ⇐ Cybercrime is a relatively new form of crime that has been introduced during the 1980s, with the first-ever recorded case being Ian Murphy ( alias Captain Zap) hacking an American telephone company to allow users to make free calls by tampering with its internal clock. Dashora (2011) defined cybercrime as any crime committed with the assistance of computers and the internet, and as the years pass, more and more types of cybercrime are introduced as the cyberworld progresses—with more sinister motives behind these actions compared to that of acquiring free calls. [Ian Murphy]. HackingAda. Considering that cybercrime is a byproduct of the lack of regulation and complete surveillance of all activities on the internet (as the observation of our right to data privacy) the complete prevention of computer crimes is not possible. However, a possible way to combat cybercrime would be to educate and raise awareness